Leathermen of Greece & Cyprus
Please click on the icon below in order to contact us via the relevant platform
Email us directly
Find us on Instagram. Private account, but accepting leathermen and their fans from all over the world
Facebook group* Hidden and Private, to ensure security and privacy for more discreet members. Only for Greek and Cypriot men actively into leather, with their own gear
BLUF Club. For Greek and Cypriot members of the Breeches, Leather & Uniform Fanclub. For guys into the 'Old Guard', full-leather uniform look.
ROMEO Group. Accessible only via web browser (not through ROMEO mobile app)
*We always welcome new members to our ever-expanding group and encourage Greek and/or Cypriot gay men who are actively into leather, with their own gear, or have a serious interest in getting involved to get in touch.
Joining the Facebook group requires that new members submit full-body photos of themselves in leather gear, with their face clearly shown in the photo. This is in order to avoid spam and fake profiles, with which we had to deal in the past.
If you are genuinely into leather or want seriously to get involved, please contact us!